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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction

Mission 1: Merchant's Street Market

After the long intro cuscene you gain and control and have the hard task of looking up. If can't figure it out then take the game out of your system and trade it in for Disney Sing-It. After that you get to move forwards before a flashback is triggered.
Enter your daughter's room and you'll have a frank conversation with Sarah about the Dark. You'll flip the lights on and off and then flash back to the present. They tell you to just shoot the thugs but you can start the sneaking early and take them down up close and personal. Then it's flashback again as you learn about hand-to-hand and then execute moves. The game is pretty obvious about a single guy being right before a nice group of 2 to 3 guys.
You'll take out the first two guys and then another will come around the right side.
Back to Sarah and you'll learn about Takedowns and Mark & Execute. Mark & Execute is PIMP in this game and will make later, harder enemies a lot easier to deal with. In the beginning it's pretty straightforward Takedown loner and then M&E the group right after that. Later in the game you'll need to make harder choices on who to take out and when.
Then back to the game and a loner then group combo to make you aware of the mechanism in game.
Continue on to the left and hang out at the last cover. A loner will make his way to you for a Takedown. Then slide move to behind the carts. M&E two and then take out the third will standard fire. Then chase down the leader. When told to interrogate him use the toliet, bathroom stall door, and the sinks.

Mission 2: Kobin's Mansion

You'll get the under door mirror and be forced to use it on the first door. Then open the door and head down the street to the right. Crouch before the side door on the mansion and creep in for a takedown. Then M&E the two standing in front of the mansion. Then up the pipe and grab the guy out of the window. Crouch and open the door and takedown the guy looking for the ledge. Then into the side room and M&E. Make sure you don't shoot through the glass. (Alternately take the puipe and bypass them). Then through the glass door and head to the weapon stash. Equip and upgrade the Reflex Sight on the second pistol, the MP-446. This gives you 3 M&Es now. BIG TIME helpful.
Head around the right side and climb the pipe and then Death From Above on the guy below. M&E the two guys in front. Then head up the right side for a loner to do another Takedown. Back down to the lower lever and M&E the trap to take out two, along with the two other guys that are left to get all four. (Alternately ignore the guy on the top and wait for one of the lower guys to seperate to the left. Then takedown him and M&E the other 3).
Head downstairs and head left. Wait by the left column for the three guys to spread out. Headshot the middle guy and then takedown the left side. Then either use the pipe to get across for a Death From Above or just crouch move your way over there for a tradional Takedown. Peek under the door to make sure no one is watching and then enter. Cover to the left and take out all the lights to draw attention and then shoot the three guys that are left.

Kobin's Mansion - Getting In Continue outside and up the pipe and another guy to pull out the window. Then two guys come down the stairs for a M&E. Then up the stairs and out the left side window. Pull yet another guy out the window. Now I like to stay on the ledge and pull them out the window one at a time. If you get seen you can move to the far left around the edge and they can't see you. Then sneak over to Korbin and interogate him for the end of the mission. (Alternately pull the first guy out the window and then enter on the far right side. Make sure to open the window first. Then headshot the guy. After that M&E the other three and then take out Kobin.)

Mission 3: Price Airfield

After the scene head out the chain link door and sneak to the far right side. Wait for the loner to come over and do a Takedown. Then sneak behind the equipment and M&E the two at the C4. Grab the C4 and continue down and past the stairs to the end to get the Flashbangs. Then up the stairs and crouch at the door. Open and immediately take out the door right inside with a Takedown. Crouch head to the far left and jump over the ledge and do a Death From Above on the guy below. Then crouch and head to the right making sure the guy is down from the catwalk and sneak up behind him for another Takedown. Now up the stairs and back outside and jump over the edge and shimmy across the building to the left side window. Go back inside and drop down the whole in the roof. Crouch open the door and take out the guy right to the right. Then jump back up the whole. This is not your good pistol so you only have two M&Es. Aim at the trap and the far right guy at the helicopter and then shoot the final guy or sneak around him for the takedown.

Price Airfield - Escape Head outside and on the left is a weapons stash so it's back to your 3 Mark pistol. Crouch and head hard left around the corner to the window at the building. Ignore the guy outside it to the left for now. He has too many friends. After a bit a guy will come in to the table across the room and that is when you need to jump in and crouch Takedown. Then immediately open the door and Takedown the guy outside. Head back inside and jump out the back window. Crouch move to the left to the next building and M&E the two around the corner. Head to the chain link fence but go right into a third building. Frag Grenades are on the corner table. Then Takedown the guy in the door. Head to the building at the end of the way and peak under the door and Mark the 3 inside. Now head around to the back and a window and you'll get a clean shot at all three for your Execute. Jump into the building and flip the power. Then immediately jump out the front window and head into the chain link door to move on.
Crouch as you come in this area as they seem to have really good hearing here. A guy will walk in front for you to follow and Takedown. Then head right and creep around to the far right. Takedown the guy looking around this area. Then move towards the generator. There should be two more guys in this area, both moving independant of each other, for two more easy takedowns. Then C4 the generator and IMMEDIATELY head into the large tent at the backside. This section is about patience because there are a lot of guys but none are really a concern. They will slowly make their way to the generator and you can creep hugging the right wall all the way out without needing to attack anyone.

Mission 4: Diwaniya, Iraq

First off this mission pissed a lot of people off because they said this was a stealth game. Well I'm here to show you how to complete this mission 90% stealth. You can avoid the first three sections of guys almost completely and do quite a few Takedowns. Unfortunately you don't have a silenced weapon and you don't get to Mark and Execute, and you don't get to see when people can spot you so it can be pretty tricky.
When you take control head to the far left and run until you get to the dufflebag on the ground. Then you need to crouch. You will pretty much be in crouch for the rest of the level. Also, rolling is your new best friend. It gives you a little extra burst of speed. You can run to the flatbed truck once you pass the shopping cart. When you reach the truck head around the left side and get on the crates. You need to wait for the guy on the far straight away left to come to you. As soon as he passes you hug that left wall all the way to the blue car. This is the first tricky part. You need to roll to the concrete dividers FAST to not get seen. Then when the soldier there is looking away head left to the blue car and jump over the hood and head to the bus.
Now we wait. There is a guy doing a wide loop around the right side. We need to wait at the front of the bus for him to pass then head in and do a Takedown. You should take him down about the back of the truck. At the front bumper of the blue car but the semi make sure all 3 soldiers are there and then throw a Grenade at the sign post. This will eliminate all 3 and then get up and run past the semi to clear section 1.
At section 2 crouch at the blue car on the left and work your way cover to cover at the back section toward the right until you get to the truck on cinder blocks. Head past the fence to the red car and watch for soldier and head along the back right block to block. Watch out for the soldier on the tanker. At the wrecked car head left to the building and peek in to make sure its clear. There should be a soldier looking with his back to you at the window. Ignore him and head to the right side door. Move to the red tool chest and then to the left side of the far wall past the wood shed. Grenade the four there by throwing it towards the middle soldier and then run to the gate.

Iraq - Staying Alive Crouch at the tire between the two cars and hug the left wooden fence. Creep around the stack of crates and do a Takedown. The guy on the roof is pretty oblivious to anything so no worries about his position. Then head back to the two car and work your way cover to the cover from the cars to the left. The buy in the right building has pretty good eyes so be careful with your movements here. Stack of tires to the box to the back left bumper of the white car to the concrete block and then roll to the truck. HUG THE TRUCK and as soon as you leave the back bumper ROLL ROLL ROLL to get around and then come in the back and do a Takedown. Grab the 2 grenades on the back left table.
Head out the blasted back area to the large pile of rocks and then into the back building area. Hug the right wall and WAIT. When the guy goes past just go to the opposite side. Wait again for him to finish his loop and then head in huggin left and around and follow the wall tight for a Takedown on the guy standing in the open. Then follow through and do a Takedown on the looping guy. Head through the opening the guy was standing in and work to the stacked crates. Just work cover to cover around the back right and behind the truck and hug right and you're through the section.
Firing time. Just work around and use your grenades. Hug the large post with the bird stencil and then clear the right hall and take out the two guys in the back room. Bust through the doors and when you get outside crouch to the window and shoot the two captures. Head inside and free SAM FISHER? Oh SNAP!
Big battle time but it's super easy and quick. When the sniper slows up on the left, shoot the barrel. When TWO guys show up on the right roof, shoot the barrel. When people show up in the center shoot the barrel. A couple more shots and it's all over.

Mission 5: Washington Monument

This is a perfect mission you get your tough PEC no firing, no being seen challenges. Just know that you can EMP and still get it.
Start by following the first guy into the dark on the right and grab him.
Head out the right side and then wait for the second guy to pass you and then follow him into the dark straight ahead.
Third guy will pass in front of you again and following him around to the dark.
Then head into the monument office to meet Vic and get some gear.
Head back into the fair on the right under the trailer and been low and quick to not get seen. Then go to the far right side and wait until the three guys leave to jump over and move on to the right. Roll all the way to keep from getting seen. Then hug the right side of the Mob game and wait for that guy to walk away. Go around low to the right behind the grill and jump over. Left under the trailer and to the far right again. Wait for a guy to come on the far left and when he leaves blast the EMP and jump over and roll hard right to the small outcropping. Wait for the guy in that area to walk away and go left hugging to top to a small fence. Jump it and hug left to get down to the grass. Far back left and jump the bench and you can slip right by the two guys standing there.

Mission 6: White Box Laboratories

Hug the left area and wait for the guard to go back into his little station. Then do a Takedown. You want a takedown here. Then left of the building to a pipe. Jump up to the high roof and then up on top of the transformer station. Then pipe up, right, pipe, right, pipe. Then pull youself into the small ledge. Head right and go up the pipe and the shimmy left and up the pipe and then left and use the pipe to get in. Drop down and jump over the pipes, jump over some more and then under some large pipes. Drop down and take the stairs and use the pipe to get down. Then drop down again and use the stairs to get all the way down.
Now we come to a nice PEC Room. The game just saved and there are 3 guys inside. There is a great place to work on challenges. Under Doors, M&E, 3x Frag. Whatever you want. When you are ready to move on, kill all three and activate the computer. Then switch cameras until you see the thugs talking to the scientists.
Head out the door at the end of the scene and jump into the window and down to the floor. Wait there for an enemy to come and headshot. There is too much light for a takedown. Head back to the left through the tool room and do a Takedown on the man standing by the elevator doors. Then M&E the final three and talk to the scientist.

White Box - Getting Inside Off the elevator and head left into the left hand single door. Out the window and left to see what is going on and then head back right to Takedown the guy who comes to investigate. Then back out the window and M&E the three in the left room. Jump into the room and move down the right side hallway. There is a pipe on the left of the middle pillar. Thake that up and to the left. Look down and shoot the guy standing in the same room as you. Drop down and open the door. Enter the room but ignore the guy right in front of you until you shoot the guy across the way to the right and then immediately Takedown the guy that is in the small room with you. Then head out the right and shoot the gas tank by the two guys.
Up the pipe in the front right on you to the next floor. M&E three of the enemies. There should be one left back and to the right. If he is out wondering around either pull him over the ledge or sneak up behind him for a Takedown. Head in the door and re-load your weapons and gadgets AND upgrade the Five-Seven to 4 Marks if you haven't already and then get a cutscene.
Head through the next door and Takedown the guy as he walks over to the dead scientists. Then out the window with you. Head all the way out and around to the farest window by the large pipe. Pull the guy out and M&E the next tWo. There is one more by wait for him to get to a window so you can Ledge him to activate Execute. Jump inside and out the door with the exit sign by the poster.
Up the pipe at the far end of the catwalk and over to the next section. Crouch and flip the lights. Under the door mark the two hanging out in the room. Open the door and Execute. Then head back and to the left to Takedown #3.
Head around the corner and quickly jump up top. M&E all four.
Jump out the window instead of going in the double door and shimmy all the way around to the right. Jump over the ledge and EMP BEFORE getting on the Pressure Sensitive area and then just run all the way around the back right side to the pipe.
Drop down into the office and activate the pc.

White Box - Finding The Secrets After the scene jump out the back window and take out the waves of enemies that come in. No real hurry just headshot anyone that gets close to the computer. If you can get a ledge takedown so you can M&E all the better.
Then once it's all over head downstairs. No enemies until you get down to the sound room. Then run your ass across the room to the pipe and head up. I drop a remote mine as I get up the pipe by the EMP. Then do a Death From Above on a guy to get your Execute. This should get everyone on the bottom floor. Then M&E the three on the top. Then just head up stairs and activate the computer.
Head back towards the EMP. There are a lot of explosive tanks to use. Some enemies have helmets not and requre two headshots. Just work your way around the room and take people down one by one. Once outside there are two more for Takedowns and then just run over to the car.

White Box - Escaping In One Piece

Mission 7: Lincoln Memorial

Real easy start. Walk into the media booth and activate the computer. Then use Camera 3, then 2, then 1.
Afterwards head inside and do some interogating on Galliard.

Lincoln - Interrogation Just run after the killer. There are two sets of police that you can't kill so it's easier to just run past them.
Follow him on the stage and then right into the large building. He'll shoot at you so slide down the left and when he bolts jump up and chase him out and over the fence. He'll run you by two cops and it's easier and faster to just take a couple hits and run on past. As you round the corner at the hill slide into the forklift as he'll be firing at you again. At the building with all the dividers he'll kind of move around it. Just keep looking for him and you'll see him finally bolt from the building. Then a couple more cops and slide under the semi. Then into the safe and the chase is over.
As soon as you regain control head up the right into the cafe and position yourself on the small left side pillar. The first enemy will come up here for a Takedown. Then stalk and Takedown #2 who is below you to the left on the stairs where the car blew up.
Wave two comes from the front opposite the stairs. Head to the far back right by the payphone and wait for them to come down. They will all end up in the main room of the cafe. M&E.
Then head into the cafe and up the stairs to the top. Jump out the back window and Death From Above. Takedown and M&E the other 2 and then get to the Extraction Point.

Lincoln - Pursuit

Mission 8: Third Echelon HQ

Hug the left wall of the parking garage and jump up onto the security room roof. Aim down and double tap both guard and drop in. This will get you the keycard. Open the door and wait for the camera to pass by then run left and over the ledge. WAIT. There are two guys. One will walk away. WAIT. He will stop and look back. When he finall continues away, Death From Above. Hug the shadows on the left and headshot the guy who was walking away. Then head to the left end and headshot the guy in the back right corner. Make sure to kill him here so as to avoid camera detection. Then jump over the pillar and go left to pull yourself up to the shaft and head in and plant C4 #1.
Back out the shaft and to the lower level. There may or may not be a new guy down here. Headshot if you is once he's in the shadows. Then all the way to the far end of the lower level and behind the car is another air shaft to take you to the 2nd Generator. Plant the C4.
Back out to the lower level a third time and hug the shadows until you get to the middle. Wait for the camera to pass and then move to the middle and take the elevator down.
Walk forward to the receptionist and once the action starts duck down and eliminate the guard. This is a timed area and you need to get through the gates. Head through gate one and 2 enemies will appear. If you have a M&E it will be easy, otherwise just tap them in the head and slide under the gate.
This level has a lot of separate non-connected areas. Meaning you can really just run through and no one will chase you. I got a little lazy here and did a lot of running. I'll point out where to do it and how easy it is. It saves a LOT of time and hassle.
As you head downstairs hug the wall and wait for the bad guy to enter the room. Follow him in and do a Takedown. Then back to the hall and M&E the two there. Then Takedown the guy in the left room.
Move into the server room and jump and pull yourself up to the roof area. Headshot the guy on the right and then drop down and go into cubicle area 2 from the right. One guy to headshot on the left and then Takedown one in the back right and then move on.
Down the hall and headshot the guy across the way. Hug the corner to M&E the two at the end of the hall. Then head through the offices on the left to bypass the camera.

Third Echelon HQ - The Garage Head into the server room to talk to the tech.
After the conversation pull yourself up to the roof area and work your way around doing Ledge Takedowns. Use the sonar to mark positions even if you are not going to M&E to show you enemy movement.
Watch the camera as you leave the area and go back to the 2 cubicle area. I bypass this area by getting on the roof area, and then running top speed past the first area and down the hall. Just was tired of these rooms at this point.
Back to the first area you were in downstairs. Silently get to the far window and then just shimmy all the way to the left. Get out and sneak up the stairs bypassing everyone again. There may be a guy at the end of the hall to Takedown.
Laser beam time. Equip the Sonar Googles and see the path. Crouch under and head left going through the two sets of beams when they are over your head. Then jump over the planter on the left wall. Then under the beam and over the next planter. Wait for the beam to go up, then wait for the next set of three to turn off one at a time. Then crouch around the corner and through the lifting beams and you're in.
Head upstairs and interrogate Kobin for the second time.
First you have some high levels to take care of. They have sonar too. Just wait for them to come to you and unleash.
Afterward crouch at the base of the stairs and headshot the lower level guy coming at you and the one at the back right. Then Takedown the left side.
More beams. Head into the left room and jump over the three sets of benches. Climb and over the wall. Then up over the center planters and crouch in the middle till the beam goes over. Then over the last planter and out the door.

Third Echelon HQ - The Office Head into the left side offices and crouch stalk the one guy over here until you can get to him for a Takedown. M&E as many of the guys as you can. You can head right into the small offices for another Takedown to get more M&E or head left behind the whole area for a different approach. When everyone is dead you can head up the stairs.
At the top is a high level attack again. So expect to be seen and just take them out one by one. Remember to move safe and keep going so that your last known is a good distance away.
Then head into Grim's office.
Afterward you get unlimited M&E so it's a good time to go for your 15 kills with an assualt rifle. Just DON'T reload your ammo during the sequence. There are 17 enemies so you have enough, just not enough to screw up.

Third Echelon HQ - Grim's Office

Mission 9: Michigan Ave. Reservoir

First go to the Weapon Stash at the back of the car and upgrade and equip the M468. It's the best assault rifle and it's silenced when upgraded so it's a nice addition to have while the game starts throwing more and more enemies at you. Head down the road on the left side and be careful. There are a lot of enemies in the next area and they are very high strung. They are on the lookout for you. Pop into the first concrete block and wait. You are waiting for the two guy loading the truck to turn back away from you. Then move to the next block facing left. Then we are waiting for the guy by the opening on the left to turn his back to you to walk away. Now its time to move. Head in through the broken fence and immediately jump into the opening. Drop down to the ground and head to the far side. Jump back up and grab the guy down. You may or may not be seen. Either way back down into the underground and then go back to the where you came in through the fence. Right before pulling yourself up, go into Sonar and M&E the 4 targets. (You can't mark the officer because you need to interrogate him.) Now hug the back wall and go around the truck. it's actually better if you were seen because you'll have more freedom to maneuver. Now get yourself into position to Execute the 4 guards. Now watch the officer and then come in and do the interrogation making sure to end it on the retaining wall.
Now head down the left side of the building and use the pipe to get inside the top. Jump up to the inside pipe and note the light sequence from the EMP flashing. This room can get bright real quick. Wait for the dark and Death From Above to get Execute back. Then drop yourself into the underground area. Work both side of the room from the underground pulling people down and using your M&Es. When everyone is dead move into the small office and use the pipe to get downstairs. You want to end this area on a TAKEDOWN to make the next area a LOT easier.
Crawl through the underground until you get to a pipe. Take that up to the top ledge. Then take the next pipe until you are in the next room. M&E the three guys in this room from the pipe and then drop down.

Michigan Ave Reservoir - Generator 1 Climb the stairs when the guy isn't looking and then use the ledge to Death From Above. Then carefully roll your way past the enemies and back to the stairs. From the top you can M&E all 4 bad guys. Then drop down and talk to the scientist.
Run forward and jump up and wait. A guard will be nice enough to come soon enough. I like to then throw a proximity mine out the door in front. (Free download in game). Then go out the back right window. I find it better to stick to the right side of this area as there is a LOT more cover and room to move. Take out the multitude of guards in the outer area and then sneak close to the door. There is a machine gunner at the end of hall. A nice frag will clear that right up.
Time to mark some generators. Use the Weapon Stash to reload and then jump up and pull the guard over the edge. Then roll crouch to the far back right side and into the underground area. Come up on the right side and quickly switch to the next underground area and then pull yourself up and Sonar the 4 closest guards. M&E. Then work your way around the back side of the silo. Be careful because they can see through it. Then because of how open this is it's easiest to human shield the back one, shot the last guard, and then kill your shield. Then mark the Generator.

Michigan Ave Reservoir - Infiltration As you leave the area you'll be ambushed so stay back. Use the M&E you have for easy kills and then clean up. This is pretty much a small shooting area but with your weapons and a M&E it's no big problem.
After the weapons stash in the underground area crouch at the first door. There are again quite a few guys to take care of here. A carefully laid out frag grenade does wonders to clearing the area out. Stay at the door waiting for someone to investigate and then do a Takedown. This should leave about 6 guys still around the area. The area is pretty well lit so either headshots or M&E is probably your best bet. As always try to leave the last for a Takedown to give you more M&E action later.
The outside to the next generator. Don't bother attacking the helicopter. Just stay in cover when it's firing. Eliminate all the enemies and work your way slowly back to the generator. Because of the constant fire from the heli this is not a Takedown area. Just shoot everyone as quickly and efficiently as possible. When you plant the tracer Vic shows up to save the day.

Mission 10: Downtown District

When you get control run up to the top of the theatre and look into the lobby. LOTs of enemies. This is a good time to spam frag, remote, and prox grenades. You'll get reloaded before you need them again. Spamming grenades it's hard to leave one to Takedown but you don't need to worry about it at this time. Once everyone is dead head out into the streets and go into a little walking cutscene.
As you gain control again head down the alley but crouch before turning the corner. Wait for the guard to engage the civilian and then head up the pipe. Left all the way around the building and then drop one level so that you can go to the next building. Pull yourself up to the top ledge area and work your way to the outside of the building. I do a Death From Above followed by a couple of quick shots and then high tail it out of there. This is another area where you can bypass a lot of enemies by just shooting and running.
Reload at the weapons stash and then head down the right side and climb the scaffolding. We can't kill any innocents so the best course of action is to headshot the guy speaking. Then frag the rest. Afterward head back and reload at the weapon stash and then it's off towards the White House.

Downtown - The Theatre Hug the right side of the street and crouch roll all the way to the speed limit sign and Takedown the guy there. Then back to the sidewalk and continue your long trek around the outside to keep from getting seen. Blow up the tanker from back here by the Humvee and then sneak in the backdoor area by the map.
Head around the back side of the small building by the ATV.  This is another area that, when the coast is clear, simply run through the gate and by pass everyone.
Then head left down the stone path to bypass even more guys. Pause at the middle because 50% of the time a single enemy may come down the left path. Then crouch roll past the humvees to the next area hugging the right side. Go behind the little guard house to the hedgerow and M&E the four closest to you. Then just shoot down the last couple and move on.
Hug the back hedges in front of the White House and move to the right. Wait for the guards to pass and just head around everyone and get inside.

Mission 11: The White House

The final mission. It all comes down to this.
As you take control head all the way down the hall. Two guards will be the next main room just having a chat. Shoot them in the face to let them know how we feel about chatty cathys.
Weapon stach in the stairwell and then head upstairs. Couple of patrolling guards in the this room. One guard will pattern in front of a folding screen on the right, so wait for him to be behind that cover and do a Takedown. There at least 7 more guys so I head back into the safety of the hall and then do a Sonar M&E on 4 guys. Then back to the hall again to wait for people to come see what is up. Work to rest of the crowd, doing a Takedown on the last guy in the room, and then move on.
You'll go through 2 empty rooms until you reach the VP. M&E all his guards and then interrogate the VP.
Stay on the podium after the conversation and use the lecture as cover. You are about to get quite a few visitors. Eliminate all of them, watching for 2 waves from the right side and then move on.
In the next room you're going to get smoke grenades by the high level guys. So Sonar and Mark to keep ahead of the baddies.

White House - Securing The VP Head around to the elevator shaft and drop down. There is a nice guard waiting outside on the bottom for you to do a Takedown. Then M&E the guards in the kitchen and clean up.
Rearm yourself at the weapon stash and its time to some turret fun. There is a machine gunner at the end of hall. Work your way, cover to cover, down the left side until you get to a door. The room will be flashed so stay out and to the left. Sonar to mark then baddies and go in for Takedowns, then grenade the machine gunner from the safety of the side. With these high end enemies I find Human Shield to do a lot of good.
When you get to the cubicle area there will be more high enders. Sonar for the win. You can also prox close to you and just wait for them to walk right into it. When done you can bash your way through the series of doors on the left hand side for fun.
More big shots in the next room. Wait them out on the outside of the area for easy kills. One more series of standard bad guys in front of Grim at the Press Office and then it's end game time.

White House - Getting To Grim Walk the hall with Grim. When told to Mark the 5 guards around the outside of the oval office. Then grab Maken when you get the chance. When you get the choice to Spare or Kill him, make one choice, wait for the achievement to pop, then quickly re-load the checkpoint to see the other choice. Game over. Congrats!

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