Once in control, you have to follow Mercer. This is a tutorial so just follow the instructions for now. Keep following Mercer until he brings down a helicopter. A large mutant will appear so just hold R2 and sprint to escape it. After that sequence, another mutant will attack you. Keep attacking it until it is killed. Watch the following scenes.The Strong Survive
Once you're out in the city, attack the Blackwatch Commander as instructed. Consume him then escape the red-alert area. Just keep holding R2 to sprint and Heller will do the scaling and jumping automatically. After breaking Blackwatch's line of sight, change to your other form.From hereon you'll be in free roam. I suggest taking this time to find and locate all collectibles in the current zone you're in as they'll help unlock new skills and abilities needed to improve your chances against Blackwatch. For the exact locations of the collectibles, please refer to the collectibles section of this guide.
For now, you can collect all Blackboxes and destroy all Field Ops to get some new mutations. There's a lair in Linden Park but you can't destroy it at the moment so ignore it for now. Once ready, head to the next mission marker to start the mission.
Operation Flytrap
Head to Test Site Washington to stop Blackwatch's Specimen release. Defeat the Brawler by evading its attacks and landing some quick hits on it. After defeating it, you'll acquire claws, making your melee attack even more damaging.Specimen is down! Kill the next brawler to continue. After defeating it, you'll get a bonus objective. Perform a Claw Pounce attack to the enemy soldier to earn bonus EP. Kill the next waves of Blackwatch footsoldiers until you get the prompt to pick up rocket launchers.
Operation Orion's Belt
Stronghold 4DMutation Reward: Offensive
Father Guerra will instruct you to use //Blacknet Terminals. One is nearby and marked in your map so you shouldn't have problems locating it. To use it, you need to assume a military, blackwatch or scientist form. Find one nearby and consume him. Use the terminal afterward.
There's also an optional Claw Upgrade available nearby, as well as a new Blacknet Operation. (Black Tulip) To get the upgrade, you'll have to sneak inside the base, release the brawler inside the container, bring its HP down to critical then consume it. Exit the base afterward.
Brain Drain
Consume the nearby soldier to get his form then enter the base. Next, you have to consume the blackwatch trooper but be careful of the nearby detector as it can see through your disguise. After consuming the trooper, enter the briefing room for a scene.Pounce and consume After viewing the memory, you have to hunt for Dr. Shaffeld next. Once you've reached him, he will board an APC. Kill one of the soldiers carrying a rocket launcher then destroy the APC with it to complete the bonus objective. After destroying the APC, Dr. Shaffeld will escape. Chase him down and consume him to get his memory. Escape the alert to complete the mission.
Project Long Shadow
Head to the Research Post Long Shadow and investigate the facility. There are two consumable DNAs here so you can wreck some havoc then consume them, escape the alert then return to infiltrate the facility.Tendril action You'll acquire the tendrils ability after defeating the hydra. Test it on the unfortunate troopers who entered the area. After clearing them out, fight your way out of the facility. Escape the alert to complete the mission.
Feeding Time
Once the mission has started , head to Test Site Jefferson. Approach the mission marker on top of the building to update the mission. Next, head to the site and take out the blackwatch defenders.After defeating it, you'll obtain its shields. To complete the bonus objective, raise your shield before the enemy rockets hit you to deflect it back to them. Once done, exit the test site and escape the alert to complete the mission.
Organic shield
Head to the church and take out the first wave of rocket troopers. After clearing it out, enemy TOW vehicles will arrive. Hop on top of them then take out their launchers. Use it against them. More enemies will appear. Just continue clearing them out until the assault team is deployed. Start by weaponizing their TOW launchers and clear up the rest of the opposition before the church takes further damage. Return to the church to complete this mission.Heller against hell After completing this mission, a new Blacknet mission will become available. (Operation Clean Sweep)
The Lab Rat
Attack the helicopter before it reaches Belamy. For the bonus objective, you have to use Black Hole to attack the helicopter. Scale the walls, jump then target the helicopter before holding the attack button and release your black hole. Keep doing this until the chopper is destroyed.Next, you'll have to intercept the APCs before they reach the Airbridge. This is a bit easier. Just spam using Tendrils to destroy the APCs. Once the target is out, smack him down and consume him. Escape the alert afterward.
The Mad Scientist
Head to Koenig's facility as marked in the map. Do the same drill; find the commander, consume him and use his identity to sneak inside the facility. For the bonus objective, you need to consume the Blackwatch Guard without alerting the area. There are also brawlers in the containers which you can release and consume for some bonus DNA. Exit the building afterward.Orion Phase Two
Head to the stadium to engage and defeat the Phase Two Super Soldier. Your Bonus Objective is counter the Super Soldier's attacks using your shield at least once. Once you alerted the entire area, a key scientist will appear. Absorbing him will allow you to release two brawlers from different containers. This will provide a great distraction from you and will ease off the enemy's attention. Don't forget to finish off the brawlers yourself to get their DNA.Project Orion Phase Two After defeating the P2 S.Soldier, you'll unlock the Devastator ability. To unleash it, press and hold triangle and circle at the same time when the Mass gauge is full. Defeat the last batch of super soldiers and brawlers then finally chase down and consume Dr. Burk to get his memory. Escape the alert to complete the mission.
Natural Selection
Defeat the initial wave of choppers that Koenig sent you. Next, you have to do the same to the APCs to flush the commander out and learn Koenig's position.Everything gets FUBAR if you mess with Heller Escape the alert or clear the area out then head to Base Seven to find Koenig. Destroy the fuel tanks to end the lockdown. Koenig will then board an attack chopper and fight you. Destroy the chopper using your tendrils or using the rocket launchers from the dead troopers. Once that's done, you'll have to fight Koenig this time.
Don't beg; just shut up and die
The Airbridge
Head to the nearby base and consume a vehicle commander. Escape the alert and take care not to destroy the helicopter or the mission will end up in failure. Once you've consumed the target, step on the marker and press circle to use the airbridge. From the map, select the helipad in the Green Zone to travel there.Green Zone - Enemies and Allies
Head back to the base and head to the mission marker. Enter the APC this time and drive your tank to the marked locations. The bonus objective just simply requires you to run over 60 infected. Head to the park and deal with the brawlers there. Next, head to the next location and destroy the hydras. Finally, drive the APC back to base to finally gain the vehicle hijacking ability.Mowing them down
Two new missions and a Blacknet mission (Operation Keyhole) will become available. You can now use the Airbridge to fly between the zones to collect any collectibles you left or missions you haven't finished yet.
After finishing the mission, there are two soldiers nearby with an optional upgrade and blacknet memory (Operation Keyhole: Stronghold 7-H) Consume them first.
A Stranger Among Us
Go to the mission marker to start the mission objective. Stealth consume a marked extraction soldier without entering alert status. Send your hunting pulses then consume those targets colored white. (Means they're not being watched)Continue following the squad leader and pick up the heavy weapons, (preferably the rocket pods so you can fire several rockets rapidly) lying nearby as you'll need it to defeat the hydras and brawlers. After taking them out, go to the extraction point to start the next part of the mission. You can now remove your disguise and kill all the scientists to flush out Roland. Attack Roland and after escaping, the mission will be now complete.
The White Light
Hunt Commander Gallegher and attempt to consume him. Chase him until you automatically reach him.Time to do some real damage You'll obtain the Blade Ability after this. Kill the remaining enemy troops to complete the mission. A story mission (Taking the Castle) and two new Blacknet missions will be available as well. (Operation: Jack-of-all-Trades and Operation: Red Glacier)
Taking the Castle
Find a Blackwatch Trooper and consume him to get his form. Next, head to the mission marker next. After the scene, head to Gentek's R&D office. Step on the mission marker to update your mission. Head to the top of the building and consume the scientists, including some high-DNA targets.Not if he thinks I am you A new story mission and Blacknet mission will become available after this mission. (Operation: Vivid Future)
A Maze of Blood
Head to the mission marker and hunt the bio-bomber. Once you found him, grab and fight him to acquire the Bio-bomb ability. Head to the next mission marker then hunt Archer's next contact.Bio-bomber alert Once you found the contact, plant a bio-bomb to a commander as instructed and your real target will reveal himself. For your bonus objective, grab one of the soldiers, plant a bio-bomb, target the evolved and throw it at him. The bonus objective will be completed once the bio-bomb detonates on him and he's in the center of the tendrils.
Bio-bombing like a boss Next, hunt Dr. Gutierrez. Defeat him and other two evolved then consume him to get his memory. Escape the alert to complete the mission.
Alpha Wolf
Head to the mission marker inside the depot. Next, consume the marked scientist so you can infiltrate the facility. For your bonus objective, sneak and plant two stealth bio-bombs to any unwary soldiers. Once you're done with the bonus objective, wreck the place and destroy the chemical storage tanks. Make sure that you stay in your masked form to avoid breathing the deadly fumes.The Alpha of the Pack Summon your brawler pack and follow the tutorial on how to use them. Leave the base to complete the mission.
A Nest of Vipers
Head to the mission marker and defeat the hydra so you can enter the lair. You can hijack one of the nearby tanks to quickly destroy the hydra or use heavy weapons to do it yourself. Once killed, enter the lair.Check out my new trick
Fall From Grace
After the scenes, defeat the evolved soldiers to complete the bonus objective, summon your brawler pack to help you with the battle. Head to the whitelight depot mission marker for a scene. You need to defeat the Goliath next. Just evade it and attack the marked parts of its body whenever you have the chance. You should have plenty of abilities to your disposal now; use it to your advantage.The Alpha of the Pack After defeating the goliath, escape the alert to get your mission update. Head to Father Guerra's location next. The mission is completed after the scene.
The Descent
Head to the mission marker to start the mission. Head to the base and consume a helicopter pilot. Escape the alert then head back to the base to use the Airbridge. You'll be piloting the helicopter now.Red Zone - Predator and Prey
Head to the park where the telemetry truck is located. Defend it against waves of infected. For the bonus objective, you have to look out for the prompt to use triangle to shoot down thrown projectiles heading towards you. Do it twice to complete the bonus objective. Keep shooting them down until a goliath appears. Land on the blue marker to pick up the engineer.Helos to the rescue Fly to the Base Hotel Two Seven next and land on the helipad. After learning Dana's location, head there to warn her. Land the chopper there and disembark to complete the mission. You'll also obtain the helicopter hijacking ability now.
Burned from Memory
Before heading to meet with Dana Mercer, I suggest collecting the last batch of collectibles in this area. Refer to the Blackboxes and Field Ops / Lairs sections of the guide to learn their exact locations and bonuses they provide. There's also a lot of upgrade carriers here so you can roam the area using a chopper if you want. Once ready, head to Dana's meet up point to continue with the story.Head to the blackwatch hot zone when ready. You need to pick up the whitelight barrel and throw it in the incinerator. Kill the remaining brawlers in the area afterward.
Brawler Pack This mission unlocks the story mission (Last Resort) and Blacknet mission Operation: Spotted C
Last Resort
Next, head to Cantrell's base. As a bonus objective, you have to destroy the fuel storage tanks using explosive weapons. You can just pick up a grenade or rocket launcher to destroy the fuel tanks. After that, kill all troopers to update the mission.Now this makes things easy You once the commander is out, target him then press circle to pull him towards you. Consume him to get his memory and complete the mission.
This also unlocks two story missions: Fly in the Ointment and Divine Intervention. Three \\Blacknet missions will be available as well. (Operation Long Horizon, Stun Circuit and Clockwork)
Divine Intervention
Hunt and consume Agent Griffin to discovery Maya's location. Follow the helicopter until the VIP arrives. After the scene, chase the Evolved until you get to fight them.Unlocks “Lost in the System” mission.
Fly in the Ointment
Hunt the target then board the attack helicopter when ready. Escort the commander's chopper and kill the flyers. When you get the order, head back to the base and assist in defending it. Next, you need to escort the tank and destroy any marked infected that will attack it. Keep doing this until you reach the next base. Land the chopper for the next part of this mission.The knack to blow things up Consume all the commanders amidst the commotion. Escape the base and lose your Alert status to complete the mission.
Unlocks “Operation Firehawk” mission.
Lost in the System
Head to the base to get the intel from Rooks. Once done, proceed to Base India Niner Six. Head to the entrance. Just move quickly to avoid getting detected by the nearby viral detector. Once inside, you have to stay out of Alert to complete the bonus objective. Enter the target's room then consume him afterward.Operation Firehawk
Go to the staging area. For the bonus objective, you have to hijack a Thermobaric helicopter. Simply pilot of the parked helicopters and use the same helicopter to wreck the others. Proceed to the park and destroy the marked targets. Once done, head to the mission marker to meet up with Galloway.Putting the Firehawk down
A Labor of Love
Head to the base and hit the heavily reinforced door with the hammerfist. After that scene, defend the juggernaut pack as the smash the door open. Protect them by defeating all enemy forces. An upgraded whipfist should be able to easily take out the opposition. Once open, enter the base to complete the mission.A labor of love
Murder your Maker
This battle is about timing and using the proper weapons against Mercer. Your shield will play a great role in surviving this battle as well. When you're in the final phase of the battle, you'll just have to press the correct buttons when prompted and you should win the battle automatically. Watch the video below to get a general idea about the battle.Murder your maker After completing the game, you can start New Game on the INSANE difficulty level. You can also continue exploring the open world and try getting the newly unlocked Platinum medals for RADNET events.
Blacknet Missions
You'll unlock these optional missions after completing the first Blacknet mission (Operation: Orion) as part of the story. To start, you always need to assume a military, blackwatch or scientist form to use the blacknet terminal marked in the map.
Operation: Black Tulip
Available: After completing Operation Orion
Reward: Predator Mutation
Head to the Capture Site and sabotage the infected specimen. There's also a Blacknet memory you can consume from a nearby soldier that will unlock the second part of the mission. Unlock the container to release the brawler, then chase after it to defeat it. After defeating it, make your run and escape the alert.
The first part of the mission will be completed.
Destroying the infected salvage
Infected Salvage 1-E
You may want to access the terminal again to proceed with the second part of the mission. Head to the Lair next and enter it. There's also a soldier with consumable DNA outside so make sure to get it before entering.
Operation: Manticore
Available: After completing Project Long Shadow
Reward: Locomotion Mutation
Examine the terminal to learn about David Castleman. There's also a soldier with a blacknet memory nearby. Consume him to unlock the second part of the operation. (Suppression 1-F)
This part of the mission will be available after consuming Dr. Castleman. Once you get the mission update, you'll have to find the scientists and consume them. You can also try stealth consuming at least two scientists without raising an alarm. Some of them also carry bonus DNA which is worth more EP. Like before, send a pulse to determine who's safe to stealth consume and who's not.
Stealth consuming without the alert
After completing the bonus objective, find the other scientists and consume them. Escape the alert to complete this portion of the mission.
Suppression 1-F
Head back to the terminal and examine to start this second part of the mission. Head to the Spawning Hive J-10 to scout the operation. Take out the guards outside and enter the lair then kill all the scientists and troopers inside. Exit once done.
Operation: Clean Sweep
Available: After completing Salvation
Reward: Defensive Mutation
Hunt Cpl Stanley Carter. He's walking alone so you shouldn't have problems consuming him.
Head to the crashed chopper on the rooftop of the marked building. You need to collect the scattered cargo before time runs out. If you have acquired locomotion mutations and bought some movement upgrades from your evolution points, this task should be a lot easier. Mission completes after getting the last package.
Operation: Keyhole
Available: After completing Enemies and Allies
Reward: Predator Mutation
Cargo Delivery 15-G
Hunt Marcella Walsh to view his memory. Next, head to the mission marker to start the next part of this mission. This is the same as the same cargo delivery mission where you need to collect the scattered cargo before the time runs out. Again, having your locomotion and movement upgraded will prove beneficial to this mission.
Mutant parkour
Stronghold 7-H
The soldier who has the blacknet memory is located near the base where you rode the APC for the first time. You can consume him immediately after completing the first Green Zone mission, Enemies and Allies.
Operation: Jack-Of-All-Trades
Available: After completing The White Light
Reward: Power Specialist Mutation
Suppression 5-E
Hunt Lt. Barry Pollock to get his memory. Next, destroy the marked helicopters and finally, consume the commander once he gets thrown out. Escape the alert to complete the mission.
Find Dane Fontenot and consume him to get his memory. Access the terminal to start the mission. Head to the mission marker to intercept the chopper. Like before, you need to collect the intel before time runs out. Before you're able to collect the last intel, an Evolved thief will get the last intel and make a run for it. Chase him down until you get the prompt to defeat him. Kill the bastard and retrieve the intel to complete this part of the operation.
Evolved Thief
Stronghold 7-1
Hunt and consume Edward Carolino. Next, head to Base Juliet Seven Three. The base is under attack so just head to the door and use the hand scanner to get inside. You need to kill the escaped brawlers next. After that, the doctor will just run away. Capture and consume him, then clear the room. Exit the base and escape the alert if there's any to complete this section of the mission.
Operation: Red Glacier
Available: After completing The White Light
Reward: Offensive Mutation
Infected Salvage 4-B
Hunt Ben Langham and consume him. Head to the marked base and infiltrate it to release the brawlers in captivity. Chase down the brawlers and defeat them to complete this objective.
Hunt and consume Sgt. Lance Bertham. Next, head to the location of APCs carrying Biomass Scanners. You need to destroy one of the marked vehicles with a Devastator to complete the bonus objective. Consume enemies until you get your Mass gauge full, then damage an APC until its health is low then unleash a devastator at close range to destroy it.
Quit staring
Next, destroy the helicopters to flush out the engineer. Consume the engineer then escape the alert to complete this objective.
Operation: Vivid Future
Available: After completing Taking the Castle
Reward: Defensive Mutation
Cargo Delivery 16-D
Hunt and consume Dennis Wayne. This particular target is an evolved so expect a fight before you can consume him. Head to the mission marker to start the next part of the mission. You need to collect the parcels but this time, it will be a lot harder since there will be enemies hunting you at the same thing. Your movement and locomotion upgrades will play a great role here, as well as your timing.
Running through hell and back
Gentek Support 12-C
Hunt and consume Dr. Soren Donnell. After getting the mission update, head to the location of the first two scientists and consume them. Head to the third scientist and attempt to consume him to discover that he's an Evolved. Destroy him and the other two evolved within 90 seconds to complete the bonus objective.
Operation: Spotted Cat
Available: After completing Burned from Memory
Reward: Offensive Mutation
Gentek Support 14-A
Hunt and consume Dr. Rajiv Kureshi. You need to stealth consume a blackwatch trooper without entering alert. Once done, join the patrol.
Welcoming party
Once you've reached the scientists, you can consume them. There's also another soldier carrying a blacknet memory so you can consume him as well. Exit the alert after consuming the scientists to complete this objective.
Consume Sgt. Raoul Whitehead. Next, head to the Whitelight Facility. When you're near it, you'll have to destroy the marked turrets by throwing cars at them. Once done, enter the facility.
Hunt and consume Lt. Sanjay McElroy. Next, head to Base India Six Niner to find Rottweiler. Kill all the enemies in the base until their reinforcements arrive.
Flushing the dog out
Operation: Long Horizon
Available: After completing Last Resort
Reward: Power Specialist Mutation
Cargo Delivery 24-K
Find and consume Lindsay Benhurst. After that, you have to find and destroy the marked helicopters while retrieving the cargo they'll drop after getting destroyed within the time limit. After destroying the two helicopters, you need to destroy the third and defeat the Evolved that hijacked it. The objective is completed after killing the Evolved.
Please, I want you to try
Stronghold 9-D
Hunt and consume Dr. Lawrence Foster. You'll find him on a rooftop surrounded by three brawlers. If you attempt to consume him, he will turn out to be another Evolved. Defeat him and the three brawlers (a Devastator in the middle of them should do the trick) then consume him to update this objective. Go to Base Hotel Two Seven next.
Once there, the base will be swarming with infected. Just waltz right in. For the bonus objective, you have to reach the Commander without raising an alert. There's also a soldier with a Blacknet memory you can consume nearby. (Sgt. Vernon Mcnabb)
Once outside, you'll have a new bonus objective. You have to kill 8 troopers who saw you. Just stay put for now and kill them all to get this objective. Lose your Alert status to complete the mission.
Operation: Stun Circuit
Available: After completing Last Resort
Reward: Predator Mutation
Cargo Delivery 25-D
Hunt and consume Lt. Garrison Pugh. Like before, you have to collect all the packages while evading heavy enemy fire. You should be upgraded at this point so you can just ignore the small arms fire. Raising your shield will slow you down so try evading incoming enemy missiles using your air dash. After collecting the last package, escape the alert to complete this objective.
Running through Hell and back... again
Suppression 13-C
You need to find and consume Sgt. Vernon Mcnabb. After getting the mission update, find the three marked tanks and destroy them to smoke out Commander Collins. Attempt to consume him to reveal his identity as an Evolved then chase him down. Next, destroy the helicopter he hijacked so you can fight him.
Who's the obsolete one now, b*tch?
Operation: Clockwork
Available: After completing Last Resort
Reward: Offensive Mutation
Gentek Support 15-G
Find and consume Dr. Alexander Murray. Hijack the helicopter to kidnap and consume the Gentek VIPs. Clear out the infected flyers above the first scientist, then pick him up. Find the second scientist and defeat all enemies before picking him up. The third scientist is the same though to complete the bonus objective, you have to defeat the two hydras without taking any damage.
This is a bit tricky since there are flyers as well. Just move away from the heat of the battle and take the flyers out first. The hydras do move underground and will lob debris or cars at you. Keep an eye to your defend button (triangle) Once you see it, press it immediately. Take note that if the two hydras throw heavy debris at you, your defense system might not be that quick enough to react. When that happens, evade like crazy.
After rescuing all scientists, fly back to the base and attempt to land. Once you get the prompt, fly to the maximum altitude then bail out be holding the circle button. This objective will be complete afterward.
I should get a medal for this
Infected Salvage 8-D
Find and consume Cpl Kevin Duke. Head to the containment site next. You have to defeat the Goliath again to complete this objective.
...this, I gotta see.
Infected Salvage 8-A
Find and consume Elwood Pine. Head to the base and find the commander. Consume him to get access inside. Once inside, find the console and release the brawlers to kill them. For your bonus objective, you have to consume five of them. Claws will work very well against brawlers while the charged attack from hammerfists will work wonders against the pesky juggernauts. Exit the facility once done.
Black Boxes
When you're near a blackbox, you'll be notified and its relative distance is displayed in the screen.Yellow Zone
Refer to the map for the exact locations and markers.
Blackboxes: 4
Mutation Reward: Locomotion
B1 - On the ground, in the southwest corner of the cross-shaped building.
Refer to the map for the exact locations and markers.
Blackboxes: 5
Mutation Reward: Offensive
Linden Park
Refer to the map for the exact locations and markers.
Blackboxes: 4
Mutation Reward: Offensive
Green Zone
Refer to the map for the exact locations and markers.
Blackboxes: 5
Mutation Reward: Predator
Lincoln Meadows
Refer to the map for the exact locations and markers.
Blackboxes: 5
Mutation Reward: Defensive
B6 – Rooftop
Salt Yard Plains
Refer to the map for the exact locations and markers.
Blackboxes: 4
Mutation Reward: Offensive
Red Zone
Times Square
Refer to the map for the exact locations and markers.
Blackboxes: 7
Mutation Reward: Power Specialist
B6 – Rooftop, beside generator
Refer to the map for the exact locations and markers.
Blackboxes: 6
Mutation Reward: Predator
Refer to the map for the exact locations and markers.
Blackboxes: 5
Mutation Reward: Defensive
Field Ops and Lairs
Yellow ZoneFairview
Refer to the map for the exact locations and markers.
Field Ops: 4
Mutation Reward: Offensive
F2 – Northeast Fairview, seaside
F3 – Northernmost Fairview, enclosed area near the street
F4 – Western Fairview, enclosed area near the street
Linden Park
Refer to the map for the exact locations and markers.
Field Ops: 3
Lairs: 1
Mutation Reward (Field Ops): Defensive
Mutation Reward (Lair): Predator
F5 – Docks, southwest corner of Linden Park
F6 – Under the broken bridge, southeastern side of Linden Park
F7 – Between the two buildings, eastern side
L1 – Between two buildings, northeast of Linden Park
Green Zone
Refer to the map for the exact locations and markers.
Field Ops: 4
Lairs: 2
Mutation Reward (Field Ops): Locomotion
Mutation Reward (Lair): Power Specialist
(This lair contains upgraded brawlers)
Lincoln Meadows
Refer to the map for the exact locations and markers.
Field Ops: 4
Lairs: 2
Mutation Reward (Field Ops): Predator
Mutation Reward (Lair): Locomotion
Red Zone
Times Square
Refer to the map for the exact locations and markers.
Lairs: 2
Mutation Reward: Power Specialist
Refer to the map for the exact locations and markers.
Field Ops: 4
Lairs: 2
Mutation Reward (Field Ops) : Offensive
Mutation Reward (Lair) : Locomotion
Refer to the map for the exact locations and markers.
Field Ops: 4
Mutation Reward: Defensive
Refer to the map for the exact locations and markers.
Field Ops: 5
Mutation Reward: Locomotion
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