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Sleeping Dogs

Sleeping Dogs

Welcome to our extensive walkthrough and guide to Sleeping Dogs. Sleeping Dogs is an engaging, open world game set in the lustrous city of Hong Kong. You play as undercover cop Wei Shen in his mission to blend in and take down the lethal organized crime organization known as the Sun On Yee. Supercheat's unofficial guide covers the main story walkthrough, favor missions to increase your "Face" level and a dedicated section for Cop Leads and Cases.

Also featured inside are the location of the various collectibles in the game such as Jade Statues, Lockboxes, Health Shrines, Security Cameras, Race locations and Safehouse Upgrades. Don't forget the Achievement Guide that's included as well. Go out and take down the Triad!
Once in control, keep running and vaulting until your companion gets caught. Keep running until the scene is complete. You'll finally be out in the streets with Jackie. Follow him to Winston's place.

Going Under

Once there, you have to fight off a bunch of thugs. This will serve as your combat tutorial. Take the guys out and finally, finish off the last enemy using the nearby railing. After the next scene, you'll be in another tutorial. Counterattack the enemies and survive the hazing for a few seconds until it is completed.

Vendor Extortion

You'll be in the marketplace next. Purchase some Dragon Kick beverage along the way to recover some HP and increase your damage, then continue following Jackie. Go to the electronics/DVD store vendor and extort easy money from him.

Next, head to the watch vendor. He'll refuse to give you money so beat up his sole guard and extort from him once more. Next, head to the produce vendor. Beat up several thugs to make him understand and extort from him once more. If you suffered damage, there's another Dragon Kick kiosk or a Pork Bun cart nearby to recover your health.

Head to the butcher this time. Defeat the thugs then extort from him. Then, follow Jackie to the clothes stall. Here, you can buy some new threads for Wei.

If you want some extra damage, purchase the Minor Thug set to get a 5% bonus melee damage. (Knock-Off Hang/ SUI V neck, Very Baggy Jeans, Faux Jiggler Sneakers)

Make your way back to Winston for another scene and to complete the mission.

Susan's Lunch

After the mission, you have to do a favor for the nearby vendor to gain Face. For this particular favor, you have to deliver the money to the Golden Koi, as marked in your map. On your way there, you'll be attacked by thugs. Avoid getting surrounded and use counters and environmental takedowns to get rid of them. Talk to the cashier to complete the favor. Head to the kitchen next to talk to Winston.

Night Market Chase

Head to the marker to ask Kwan about Ming's whereabouts. Go around the corner to find Ming. Chase him down until you reach an area where his thug friends are waiting. Beat them down and continue chasing him.

After catching up with him, defeat the last wave of his thugs and face him. Wait for him to attack then counterattack. Follow this up with quick combos; continue doing this until he's defeated. The mission will be complete afterward.

You'll wake up in your own apartment. From hereon, you can now freely roam the immediate area and choose what objectives you'll want to tackle. For the collectables you can collect, refer to this guide's Collectables section.

Stick Up and Delivery

As soon as the mission starts, drive safely to the marked location to avoid any deduction in your Cop experience. After reaching your destination, fight two waves of enemies. Next, chase down the black van. Avoid property damage as much as possible then ram the van's escort vehicles when they appear.
Catch up with the van and ram it off the road. After getting the goods, escape the cops the deliver the goods to the port.


Step on the marker outside your apartment to start this mission. (This becomes available after finishing the blue cop mission Popstar Lead 2) Get your motorcycle and drive her to the Bam Bam Club, the temple and the martial arts school.

During this sequence, you'll be in a short training class with Sifu. Follow the instructions then finally defeat all students. You'll get Amanda's phone number, learn the Sweep Kick Knockdown and Workout Clothes afterward.

Sifu will also teach you new moves by for each of his Jade statues that you recover.

Mini Bus Racket

Drop off your first guy in the first stop. On the second stop, take out enemy thugs. Once you get the objective to harass the other bus driver, chase him carefully and honk your horn until the harassment meter fills up.

After the passengers transfer to your bus, enemy vehicles will harass you in return. You don't need to drive fast; use the bus' sturdy body to ram the vehicles until they're all gone. Once done, drop off the passengers to the Night Market stop to complete the mission.

Checking in 1

Head to the club and talk to the bouncer. Talk your way inside and enter the club. Once inside, head to the VIP room and talk to the bouncer. Find the marked hostess and have her escort you inside the karaoke room. Once inside, sing a song for Tiffany. The karaoke mini-game is simple; you don't have to press any button but you have to move your pointer instead.

Karaoke time! After the song, go upstairs. You should find another jade statue by the counter so don't forget to grab it along the way.

Approach Benny to trigger a scene. You have to defeat his bouncers until you finally corner him in the bathroom downstairs.

Karaoke time! In addition to the usual Field Report and Cash rewards, you'll also get Tiffany's phone number and unlock new karaoke songs as well. Head to meet Winston for a short scene afterward.

Listening In

Head to the shop to pick up the package. As soon as you're out, a thug will snatch it from you. Give chase until you corner the guy. Beat him down and recover the bag. Next, head to the marked location and find your way inside the restaurant's kitchen.
Once there, you have to plant the bug in the AC vent. You still need to calibrate it so move your analog sticks until they hit the correct spot and for the calibration bar to completely fill up. Once done, pick the locked door to exit the restaurant.

Bugging the place

Chain of Evidence

After completing the last mission, you'll receive this from Tifany. Head to Club Bam Bam for a scene. After that, call Raymond. Meet him next in the North Point Underpass. You'll then have to recreate the scene. Consider this as your firearms training in the game as well. Just follow Pendrew's instructions, especially the vault shoot mode which you can definitely use later on. After the mission, lose the cops to receive the next mission.


Head to the marked location for a scene. Once done, enter Conroy's SUV. Drive to the warehouse and enter it.  Defeat the enemy guards then continue scouting the manufacturing plant. Fight your way through more enemies till you encounter an armed guard. Disarm him to get his pistol and continue forth.

Once upstairs, take cover and take out the guards. Destroy some explosive gas tanks whenever you find them to make your job a lot easier. Don't forget to recover some ammo from fallen guards as well. Make your way to the upper level and find Siu Wah.

Once there, chase Siu Wah until you catch up with him. Press B to grapple him then sprint to drag him out of the factory. Kill the two guards along the way then head outside. Chase down Siu Wah then press and hold A when you're near. Press A again once the arrow turns green to perform an action hijack. Lose the cops then deliver Siu Wah to the designated drop off point to complete this mission. Return to your safehouse and sleep.  This will open up new missions.

Payback's a bitch

Uncle Po

Head to Club Bam Bam to pick up Winston and drive him to Uncle Po's apartment in Central. After the scene, get in the car across the street. Next, drive to the parking lot to meet up with Roland. Drive to Patsy Wing's location to trigger the scene.

Next, catch up with them and take out her bodyguards' cars. Continue doing this until you get the prompt to close the distance and perform an action highjack. Once done, drive the car to the drop off point to complete the mission. Completing this mission will also unlock your apartment in Central and open Roland's Debt Collection Jobs.

Driving shootout

Bride to Be

Head to the Golden Koi and drive Peggy to the flower shop. Carefully drive there to maintain Peggy's mood.

Flowers After visiting the flower shop, head to the cake shop. Follow the van and close the distance. Perform an action hijack once you're near then drive the cake to the drop off point.

Fetching the cake Finally, drive to the temple. Sneak inside and wear some monk clothes. Talk your way through several monks until you reach flower. Pick it up then fight your way outside. Enter the car then lose the cops. Finally, drop off Peggy to the restaurant to complete this mission.

Finding the black orchid

The Wedding

Head to the shop to pick up your tuxedo. Next, drive to the banquet hall for a scene. Make your way inside the hall and fight your way through to unarmed guards until you reach the hall where Winston is located. Kill the guards until you find him. Once done, fight your way outside to find Uncle Po. Help clear the main hall then go through the doors until you find him.

Bloody wedding You have to escort Uncle Po to the hospital. Take out the enemies that will show up along the way until you finally reach the objective point and complete the mission.

Mrs. Chu's Revenge

After the scene, contact Ricky to get Johnny Ratface's phone number. You'll have to triangulate his location again using your cellphone. After finding his location, head there and fight your way until you catch up with him. Don't take too long as he'll get away.

Finding the rat
Chase him and kill his guards. Once you get the prompt to capture him, catch up with him and hijack his car. Drive him to the Golden Koi's kitchen to trigger the next scene and complete the mission.

Rat butchered

Meet the New Boss

After the scene, open the lockbox in the corner of the room. Head out and clear the enemies in the bar.

Head to the entrance and fight off a few more enemies until you're in a car chase. Take out your pursuers to avoid the car getting too damaged. Continue doing this until a scene triggers.

Cleaning house Chase Ponytail until you corner him. Defeat him in a melee fight then escape the police. Enter the limo for another scene and to complete the mission.


Final Kill

Head to the Golden Koi and watch the scene. Next, head to Dog Eye's hideout. Once he spots you, he'll bail out so chase him via speed boat.

Speedboat chase Chase him inside the warehouse and take out his thugs. Continue doing this until you finally catch up with him. Defeat him and drag him to the car outside.

Warehouse Pursuit After putting him in the trunk, you have to take out your pursuers as Duke drives back to the restaurant. After safely reaching it, take Dog Eyes out of the trunk and deliver him to Mrs. Chu.

It's nothing personal, just business


Drive to the hospital for a scene. After that, call Jackie. Meet him in the massage sauna afterward. After talking to him, you can either have a massage or just leave the sauna. You have to drive to the Galleria afterward.
Find Yung and defeat his thugs before you can finally defeat him. After the scene, drive to the initiation grounds for another scene and to complete the mission. Your safehouse in Aberdeen will become available by completing this mission as well.

Dockyard Heist

After the mission, call Jackie then drive to his place and pick him up. Next, drive to the docks and sneak inside. Make your way to the shed containing the cutting tool while fast talking your way around suspicious workers and guards.

Meet up with Jackie and defeat the 18K guys. You can use the cutting tool as weapon to easily eliminate them. Next, search the trucks until you find the shipment. After finding the correct one, a scene will trigger. Catch up with the truck and action hijack it to stop it.

Dockyard Heist Next, you have to fence the goods. Find another vehicle and deliver it to Fat Wallet Lam's place to complete the mission.

Intensive Care

Head to the marked location to receive a call from Ricky. Next, rush to the hospital before the timer runs out. Once you reach it, head inside and fight your way to the elevator.

Hospital Massacre Exit the elevator and fight your way to Uncle Po's room. Make your way to the control room and hack the console there to restore power. Continue killing enemies until you finally get to leave the area. Finally, evade the cops to complete this mission. Go to bed afterward to unlock the next mission.

Hospital Massacre

Important Visitor

After the scene, drive King to the K-Bar using Sonny's Car. Keep driving there until the next scene triggers. Head inside the bar and talk to the girl on the dance floor.  Bring her to the karaoke room then find other girls to join you. After finding all the girls, take a seat.

Sing a song for King and the girls then take a photo. Go back to Sonny's car afterward. Take out the thugs in the parking lot then drive King back to the hotel to complete the mission. You'll also get Ilyana's Phone Number.

Fast Girls

Drive Ricky's car to pick up Viviene. After picking them up, head to the rally point for another scene. You have to win the race with the girls inside the car. After winning, get back to the car and escape the police. Drop off Sandra to her condo to complete the mission. You'll also unlock your Kennedy Town Apartment and Sandra's Phone Number.

Fast Girls

Bad Luck

After talking to Broken Nose Jiang, head to Two Chin's house for a scene. Next, use the intercom of the nearby door to find a way inside the gated community. Continue inside and fast-talk your way through the guards. There's a lockbox in the second guard house in the middle so don't forget to grab it.

Continue until you reach the mansion's gate. Climb over the wall then hack the nearby camera. Kick the gate open to let your companion inside then pick the mansion's door.

Once inside, destroy any four collectables in the room then crack the safe to open one of those Jade statues. Next, set the clock to 4:44 and rotate the grand piano. Next, stay behind the couch until the guard leaves.

Head outside then go to the security camera. If you have hacked it earlier then you can just go past it and watch the next scene. After that, jack the guards' car then leave the area. Drop off Old Salty Crab to his car to complete the mission.

Conflicted Loyalties

After the scene, drive to the apartment building and talk to the doorman. Next, find another way to the apartment, through the construction site beside the building. After sneaking in, pick up the statue on the nearby table then hack the PC. Next, plant a bug in the kitchen then hide upstairs.

Sneaking in You now have to plant a camera in the bedroom. You have to make sure not to get spotted. After planting the camera, jump off the ledge then retrieve the memory. Escape through the balcony then drive to Pendrew's rendezvous point. Head back to your apartment in Central to trigger the next scene and to complete the mission.


The Funeral

Head to the police station in Central to pick up Jackie. Drive to the Aspirazone store and pick up the suits. Next, drive to the cemetery to attend the funeral.

Fight your way down the cemetery and take out the 18K attackers. Your progress will eventually be halted by a grenade launcher-wielding enemy. Flank him by following the small stream and kill him. Get his weapon and continue fighting your way down. Continue to the parking lot and clear all the remaining enemies there. Use the grenade launcher on the vehicles to easily take them out.

Civil Discord

Meet up with your guys in North Point. Defeat the thugs then race to the Golden Koi. Defeat a few enemies outside the restaurant then head inside. Next, dig in and take out the triad reinforcements.

After fending off the enemies in the front, you'll have to repel the enemy attack in the back alley. After defeating them, climb the roof to regroup with Conroy.

Provide covering support to your allies using your grenade launcher until the timer runs out. Next, you have to lose the cops afterward. After losing them, meet up with Ricky in Vivienne's apartment to complete the mission.

Buried Alive

After the scene, head to the Aberdeen Dry Dock. Let the guards pat you then head to where Jackie is supposedly kept. Take out the enemies then beat up Horseface. Weaken him then take him to the table saw to interrogate him.

Head back to the street and triangulate the target's location. Grab a fast car then head there. Chase him until you reach the convenience store in Kennedy Town. Chase him again until you confront him and his goons in hand to hand combat.

Parkour Chase Call Old Salty Crab then meet him up near the Water Pollution Control Center, north of Kennedy Town. Use the speed boat to head to the Magazine Island. Enemies will appear and ambush you. You'll have to dispose all of them so the marker in the island reappears again. Once done head there to find Jackie. After the scene, deliver Jackie back to the docks to complete the mission. You can do all available extras at this point; otherwise, sleep in any of your apartments.

Boat Chase

The Election

Head to the marked location then watch the next scene. Next, crawl to the cutter and escape. Press Y to counter the guard's attack then head to the next room.

In the next room, get behind the guy and press B to drown him. Exit through the next door and defeat the enemies below. Exit through the door.

Follow the path until you reach the next part of the rooftop. Defeat the thugs there then take out the armed thug by vaulting over to him. Grab his gun then kick the next door open. Continue downstairs.

Big Smile Lee

Take Mr. Tong's car and drive to Big Smile Lee's compound. Enter the gate and take out the first wave of guards there. Next, jump on the nearby dumpster to reach the rooftop and infiltrate the compound. Take out the armed guard there to get his weapon then fight your way inside. Continue doing so until you reach the restaurant.

Infiltrator After reaching the restaurant, kill all the armed guards, including Pony Tail. Once cleared, enter the door to find Big Smile Lee.

Stranglehold During this sequence, chase B.S.L until he rides the speedboat. Jump on the speedboat for a scene. Once in control, defeat him. Don't be aggressive; just counter his attacks then once weakened, place the bastard in the ice chipper.

Closure Watch the remaining scenes to complete the game. From hereon, you can now continue searching for collectables and other extra stuff you haven't acquired yet.
Keep fighting through several more rooms until you reach the sauna room with two triad enforcers. Defeat them and Mr. Tong will appear. Counter his attacks then press the correct action buttons to minimize the damage from his combo.

Fighting for life


You can find these as yellow markers on the map. Make sure to tackle these as well to earn Face and get various rewards.
Cheater's Never Prosper
Head to the map and offer help to the NPC.

Drive to the marked location. Once you found the car, get a tire iron from the trunk then use it to smash the car. Once the driver appears, beat him down to complete the mission.

Cheaters Never Prosper A Quiet Drive

Head to the map and talk to Calvin. Wait for him then once the cops respond, enter the vehicle and escape the cops. Once you successfully eluded them, pull over to drop him off and complete the favor.

A Quiet Drive Fashion Advice

Talk to the girl in the overpass. After getting mugged, chase down the thief until you find him and his cohorts. Beat them down to complete the favor.

Fashion Advice Pay Hospital Bills

Talk to Michelle in the Night Market. Next, get in her car and drive it to the harbor. Follow the trail until you find a ramp. Speed up and jump up the ramp to complete this favor.

Pay Hospital Bills Ting's T-Shirt

After talking to Ting, head to the temple and get into position. Take a picture then upload it, then make your way to the seaside. Get into position until a drunkard blocks your view. Beat him down then take the picture to complete the request.

Photobombing! Quick Fix
This appears after completing the police mission “Popstar 3”. Head to the marked location and offer help to the lady. Once you get mugged, follow the thug until he leads you to his two other friends in the bay. Defeat them all to complete the mission.

Cheater's Never Prosper Part 2

You'll find this NPC in the garage of Sui Shan Alley. Talk to him to offer help. Drive to the marked location to find the rival driver's car. Like before, get the tire iron from the trunk and use it to destroy the car. Defeat the two racers who will confront you to complete this favor.

Truck Recovery

Head to the marked location and offer help to the worker. Ride the nearby motorcycle and catch up with the truck. Once near, prepare to do an action hijack. After successfully taking control of the vehicle, lose the cops then deliver the truck to the docks. Part it inside the garage to complete the misison.

Action Hijack Red-Handed Tiffany

Talk to the bouncer outside your apartment to start this mission. Next, drive to the pay phone that Tiffany uses and place a bug on it. Just wait for the scene to finish and the mission will be complete.

Follow Tiffany

After the last mission, this one will become available immediately. Head back to your apartment and talk to your bouncer friend there. Next, drive to Tiffany's apartment and follow them. Upon reaching the destination, confront Tiffany.

Just a Little Driving

Meet up with Calvin and follow him. After he guns down his target, ride the car and lose the cops. Once cooled down, drop him off to complete this favor.

Little Driving Turn Losers to Winners

Meet up with the guy then drive his truck to the jump off point. Simply jump off  to the sea to complete this mission.

Chicken Congee, damn! Escort an Ally
Head to the marked location and talk to Duke. Next, find a vehicle then drive out of 18K territory. After successfully escaping the territory, stop the vehicle and let duke out to complete this favor.

Escorting out of enemy territory Pied Piper

Talk to the NPC that needs assistance to start this mission. Next, you have to get the attention of some cops. There are a few nearby so you can just cause a commotion or steal their vehicle. Drive to the car dealer and lead the cops to the marked spot. Escape the area and lose the cops to complete this favor.

The police Distract the Cops

Find the NPC by going through the blue door, the same one leading to Central's Martial Arts Club. Talk to the NPC then throw some pop soda cans to the police. Next, lead them away by going through the obstacles in the area. The favor will be complete after reaching the end of the path.

The police *again* Drunk Disposal

Head south of North Point and find a boat. Ride south to reach the gambling den. Talk to the bouncer and throw off the two drunkards off the den to complete this favor.

Gambling Den Cheaters Never Prosper Pt. 3

Find the NPC and talk to him to start the mission. Drive to the location of the car afterward then beat up the thugs there. Get the tire iron from the trunk and use it to smash the car and complete the favor.

Messing up the cars Convoy Intercept

Meet up with the NPC and agree to help. Find a vehicle, preferably a car then drive to the highway. Drive until you find the four vans. Kill the gunners then ram the vans to take them out. Keep doing this until all four vans are taken out.

Intercepting the drug convoy Riff Raff Disposal
Go to the Central Gambling Den off shore and talk to the bouncer. Defeat the gamblers outside to complete the mission and unlock this area.

Safe Delivery

Meet up with Big Eddie in Kennedy Town and agree to help him. This is a very simple favor mission as you just need to keep the 18K bike gang off your back. Just keep shooting at them until Big Eddie successfully delivers his shipment to the ferry.

Safe delivery Pied Piper Redux

Talk to Conroy to start this mission. Just like the last time, you have to get some cops on your tail and lead them to the thugs. Evade the police to complete the mission.

Pied Piper Redux Escort an Ally Redux

Pick up Red and get a vehicle. Next, drive your way out of 18K territory and shake off your pursuers as necessary.

Escort an Ally Redux Show What You've Got

Talk to the guy and do some free running. Just follow the markers until you reach the last marker before the time expires.

Free Running Show What You've Got Again

Find the stoned guy and do some free running again.

Free Running Again Real Men Don't Karaoke

Find the man in karaoke bar and offer help. You have to score low in karaoke by deliberately missing the notes until the song finishes. The favor will be complete afterward.

Broken Parts

Take a look at the guy's motorcycle then chase the thief that will steal your money. It's just a short chase however so you won't be exerting too much effort in this one.

Broken Parts and legs Tang's Toy

Talk with Dr. Tang and get into his utility van. Just follow the marker until the package stops moving. Call Tang to complete the favor.

Beat the Heat
Tang's New Toy
Just like before, you have to follow the yellow blips until you reach the last one. Call Teng to complete the favor.

Tang's New Toy Tang's Newer Toy

Same mechanics as before

Tang's Newer Toy
Side Jobs and Dates

Photograph Amanda
You'll meet Amanda in the story mission the same as her name. Call her up then meet her in Victoria Peak. Once there, take a picture of her when prompted, prompt the guard to get you guys in then take a few photos of her again. Pretty easy. After the favor mission, all health shrines will be marked in the map, even undiscovered ones.

Hold your poses Tiffany's Song
After the story mission “Club Bam Bam”, you'll get Tifany's number. Call her once you're available and score more 90% at the karaoke with her. The favor will be complete afterward. The good thing about doing this favor, is that all Jade Statues are revealed in your map.

Sing for her Impress Not-Ping

You'll meet “Not-Ping” for the first time after the story mission “Listening In”. After sleeping, she'll be calling you. Meet her up by the shop. Then, distract the officer. Head to the roof and attempt to hack the camera within the time limit. After successfully doing so, meet up with Not-Ping to complete the mission. After this, all security cameras will appear in your mini-map, making it a lot easier finding and hacking them.

Like a pro Make Ilyana Sweat

You'll get Ilyana's number after completing the story mission “Important Guest”. Find her in the K-Bar then beat her in free running. Completing this mission will show all lockboxes in the map.

Sing for her Fast and Hot Sandra

You'll get Sandra's number after completing the story mission “Fast Girls”. Meet her up then drive fast for sixty seconds to get her excited. You can do this easily in the expressway. Once done, drive her home to complete the favor.

Fast and Hot Sandra Tran's Cars

For this job, you have to find the marked vehicle, hijack it and deliver it back to Tran's garage as intact as possible to maintain its value and your reward money.

Tran's Cars Hijacking Call

As you head out (the story mission “Uncle Po” should be available), you'll receive a message to hijack Knox security vans when you spot them. You'll come across almost immediately so chase it and perform an action hijack. Lose the cops and deliver the van to the car dealer to sell it and complete the job.

Hijacking Call Roland's Debt Collections

You'll meet Roland for the first time during the story mission “Uncle Po”. After completing the mission, you can call him up to do some debt collecting jobs for him.

Martial Arts Clubs

You just have to win 6 continuous rounds of enemies which increases per round. This shouldn't be hard, as long as you have unlocked a few moves and have the benefits of food, drinks and massage with you.

Martial Arts Club: North Point
Rewards: $15000
Shen Zen

Martial Arts Club: Aberdeen
Rewards: $150000
The Bon Gak

Martial Arts Club: Central
Rewards: $30000
Manhattan Melee

You have to enter the blue double doors to reach this arena.

Martial Arts Club: Kennedy Town
Hog Pen Row Outfit

Health Shrines

The shrines listed here are found in no particular order. There's a quest later in the game that will reveal the locations of the shrines. Otherwise, if you want to get the health upgrades as early as possible, you can refer to the locations below.

1. After exiting your apartment, you'll find a shining shrine outside.

2. Just outside the massage parlor southeast of Lok Fu Park.

3. In the corner, beside the service road.

4. Rooftops, east of the massage parlor near Lok Fu Park. You can access the rooftops by taking the stairs  in the overpass between Lok Fu Park and Lu Mei Alley. You'll find a lockbox along the way as well.

5. In the corner alley west of Club Bam Bam

6. Corner of the main street and alley west Fod Long Overpass

7. Southern street of the Night Market, beside the guy that sells watches.

8. In the corner of the parking lot entrance, northwest of the Waterfront
9. North Point Temple, northern trail.
10. North Point Temple, south.
11. East of Yau Ling Park
12. Behind some container vans in the docks, west of the cockfighting arena
13. Southeast of the parking lot indicated in the map below
14. In a vacant lot to the southeast as indicated in the map below.
15. In the port, east of North Point


1. Beside the stairs in the alley
2. Northwest of the Fish Market
3. Street level, near the baywalk
4. On a rooftop by the pier. You can reach it by climbing the roof of the nearby boat
5. Second floor of the Berdeen Pier building.
6. Beside the street
7. Aberdeen Island Docks
8. Aberdeen Island, in front of a villa
9. Aberdeen Island southern dock
10. Warehouse


1. On top of the construction site near the commercial area. Watch the video below to learn where they're located.


3. Commercial district
4. North of the clothing store, east of the commercial district.
6. Outside Central Hospital, northern side beside a vending machine

7: Victoria Park, middle of the pond.

8: Victoria Park, eastern side

9: Victoria Park, northern side

10: Business District
11: Southeast corner of the Government House
12: Northwest of the Government House
13: Northernmost bay area
14: Drainage Outflow Hub
15: Tsim Shan Shan Alley, police station parking lot

Kennedy Town

01: Parking lot, Cemetery
02: Cemetery, northeastern corner
03: Park, near some tables
04: Gate of Two-Chin's House
05: Wong's Parking
06: Plaza
07: Southwest docks
08: Second floor of Kennedy Pier building
09: South of Sun Yat Sun Housing Complex
10: Kennedy Docks, southwest corner

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