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Need for Speed: Most Wanted

Need for Speed: Most Wanted

What Kind of Game is Need for Speed: Most Wanted?
Need for Speed: Most Wanted is an open-world arcade racer that rewards exploration, environmental destruction, stunt driving, and high-speed chases. Your ultimate goal is to challenge and defeat a pantheon of Ten Most Wanted racers.

To gain enough credibility to challenge these ten elites drivers, you’ll need to acquire Speed Points. Speed Points are earned for winning races, finding secrets, and causing general mayhem.

Where Do I Start?

Need for Speed drops you into the middle of the action and leaves the choice of how you will play completely up to you. After completing your first mandatory race you are free to explore the city, finding hidden Jack Points where new cars are available for immediate acquisition.
The key to early success in Need for Speed is focus. Explore the city for a while and get your bearings. Serach the back alleys and garages to find a car you like, and then stick with it. Accept some race challenges and build up your Modifications on your chosen vehicle. The sooner you tune a single Car up to decent specs, the sooner you can start winning some police chases for serious Speed Points. The sooner you have Speed Points, the sooner you can challenge the Most Wanted and gain access to their supercars.

How do I Unlock Cars?
Cars are scattered throughout the city in hidden Jack Spots. Once you locate a Car, it becomes permanently available through your Easydrive menu. Outside of the Ten Most Wanted supercars, every car in the game is available to you from the get-go. You just have to find them all.
Thanks for our Interactive Map, that won't be much of a problem for you.
Top 10 Most Wanted cars are unlocked by beating Top Ten drivers in a street race. Winning these races releases a version of their car which wanders the city. Execute a Take Down on that vehicle and it becomes yours. 
Which Car Should I Start With?
Different stock models provide trade-offs in durability, acceleration, top speed and handling. Our our Cars section provides complete statistics for every stock vehicle, and you can use our Interactive Map to locate whatever vehicle sparks your interest and add it to your garage.
Cars have six statistical characteristics:
  • Acceleration, the measure of how quickly your car moves toward Top Speed.
  • Top Speed, the absolute maximum speed your car can reach.
  • Control, the steering and handling tightness of the Car.
  • Weight, how well the Car holds to the road, and how well it jumps (lower Weights usually jump further and higher).
  • Offroad, the Speed and handling of the Car when it leaves pavement
  • Toughness, the Car's resistance to damage and ability to ram roadblocks and resist Take Downs. 
If you're a racing game newbie, we recommend you select a vehicle with good Acceleration and Control over Top Speed. New drivers tend to appreciate more forgiving steering in turns, which is where most races are won and lost. Top Speed on the straightaway is wonderful, but getting good speed and angles out of a turn results in even more important consistent speed.
With this in mind, new players may want to consider road-stable vehicles like the Lancia Delta, Mitsubishi Evolution X, or SRT Viper for learning the ins and outs of street racing, and then branching out to other models as their skills grow.
There is more to each Car than its statistics, however. Cars also have unique feels, transmission quirks, and peculiarities in handling tot indicated by Stats. you should give every Car are fair shake to find one that suits your driving style.
What are Police Chases?
Police Chases are instigated by tapping a police patrol car and then making a break for it. Every moment of pursuit your Speed Points increase, but to claim the full culminating reward you have to successfully escape and avoid detection. If you are Busted, you lose all potential points.

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