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Battlefield 3

Battlefield 3 tells the story of Sgt. Henry "Black" Blackburn, a Recon Marine under secret interrogation in New York City by the CIA in order to determine the next potential location of a nuclear terrorist attack. Under suspicion of treason, Blackburn begins to recount the missions and events that brought him to this pass... and why he believes the militant Iranian insurgency called the PLR and a terrorist only known as Solomon are behind the impending attack...
Check out our guide to Battlefield 3 which contains all you need to complete the single player walkthrough and all the co-op missions, a great achievement guide and a complete dog tag list other unlockables.

Operation Swordbreaker

After the scenes, just follow your team mates to receive your mission briefing. After learning your objectives, head out. Follow your squad as you enter through the buildings. You'll finally reach the street. Stay put and wait for the technical to pass. Cross the street and stack up with your team mate by the door. Attempt to head out and your team will be ambushed. Drag your wounded team mate and keep pressing A to avoid getting damaged.
Once done, help your team take out the enemies outside. Don't worry about your grenades and ammo since there is an ammo crate nearby that can instantly resupply you. Keep clearing the enemies outside, including the two RPG troopers in the building to the south (look in your compass). Take note that your weapon can destroy the concrete walls so use that to kill the RPG soldiers without too much hassle.
After clearing the area, regroup with your team mates inside the building. Follow them to the upper floors until you reach a large room. Sprint past the windows and kill the enemies that will appear from the corner. Continue following your squad to the rooftops.
Don't go ahead since there's a sniper taking potshots at you. Crouch and follow your team mates as you move from cover to cover. Join your team as they position themselves near the cover. Stay put until all of them positions themselves near the edge. Crawl towards them and grab the AT they'll hand to you. Press X to equip it and WAIT for them provide suppressing fire. The target will be marked in the hotel; just aim your weapons and release your projectile to destroy it.

Anti-Sniper AT Next, head to the corner of the rooftop and cover your allies below as they extract your wounded comrade. Take out any hostiles who will appear from the alleys and the buildings. Continue helping them fend off three waves of hostiles until they get to safety. You will also unlock an achievement here if you killed most of the enemies, including some runners who will attempt to rush towards the building you're in after Doc Holiday leaves the scene.

Not on my watch! Next follow your team mates as you cross the other building and descend to ground level. Continue to the next building where you'll find another ammo cache. Resupply and continue clearing the building. Head outside to find a destroyed HUMVEE and stay put until your orders are given. Trace the wire as instructed and it will lead you to a set of devices in a basement. Interact with it and beat up the terrorist who will attack you.
Return to the street and head to the overpass to get the LMG. Use it to fend off the enemy attack. After successfully defending your position, get down and head to the next marker. Get up the abandoned technical and use the mounted machine gun to lay waste on the enemies. Take note that you can shoot the cars to detonate them to your advantage. Continue doing this until a catastrophic earthquake takes place. Mission complete


You'll have to avoid the PLR crawling around the place for this mission. Crouch and stick in the shadows. Follow the straightforward path until you reach a broken sewer pipe. Crawl inside and continue to the next building.
Once there, carefully and stealthily approach the nearest enemy and stab him from behind. Take cover and take out the other two guards. Take out the other guards in along the next corridor as well. Grab another weapon so you can have something to switch to then head outside.
Take out the guards and continue to the objective marker. There's an ammo crate nearby so use it to fully restore your ammo and grenades. You need to clear the next area of enemies. There is an achievement to be unlocked here so carefully approach the hanging car and press B to kick and drop it to the enemies.

Two for the road! Head inside the garage and resupply using the ammo crate in the corner. The rear door will open. Hide behind a cover and take out the enemies waiting outside. Continue inside the wrecked bus and a rocket will blow it open. Before heading outside the bus, there's another achievement to be unlocked and its a little bit tricky. First take out the three enemies nearby. There are two enemies that will appear as soon as you exit the bus. The building beside them will crumble and you have 3-4 seconds to kill them both before the debris buries them alive. See the video below.

Leaving them alone could've saved me a few bullets... This is easier done in Easy Mode since you can aim faster and more accurately, and enemies die faster. You just need to sprint outside and immediately zoom to auto-target the two enemies. It is recommended to kill the enemy to the left since he's closest to the crumbling building.
Once done, head to the next marker and kill two more enemies inside. Breach the door below and continue along the corridor to finally meet up with up with Montes. Follow him until you regroup with your other surviving allies. Run to the marked Humvee and man the turret. Use it to fend off the attacking enemies. More enemies will appear to the right. Rain lead to them until you get the prompt to run to the Osprey. Mission complete.

Going Hunting

Once you're inside the F-18, follow the onscreen instructions to perform a pre-flight check with your aircraft. Once ready, press Y to take off. Enjoy the view for the meantime until your flight enconters multiple bandits. There's an achievement you can unlock here by doing a "perfect run". Remember that if you didn't meet any of the requirements to unlock the achievement, you'll have to restart the whole mission. It is recommended to attempt this achievement in easy mode.
• Kill all bandits without missing
• Avoid getting damaged

The Perfect Run For more tips and details, refer to the "You Can Be My Wingman Anytime" achievement in the corresponding section of this guide.
Next, you'll be in anti-ground mode. You'll be switching to AGM-88. Lock on the targets and release your air-to-ground missile once you see the word "Lock" floating above the target. Destroy the initial three targets. Next, you'll need to switch to JDAM and infrared to locate the parked aircraft. They'll be illuminated brightly in the background so you shouldn't have problems finding them. Once you find your target, zoom in and press the trigger. Just keep the targets within your crosshairs to destroy them. Next, you'll have to destroy a couple more of planes exiting their hangars and attempting to take off. Use JDAM to get rid of them and prevent them from getting airborne.

Eye in the sky Three vehicles will appear on the runway, as well as a helicopter. Once you're clear to engage, mark the spot where you want the A-10 to do its gunning run. After destroying the helicopter and the vehicles, runners will also become available. Just place a marker in the middle of the group and let the A-10 do the job. Mission complete.

Operation Guillotine

Follow your allies as you charge down the hill. Head to the spot where you need to set up your mortar then press B.
Climb up the wall then continue down the creek after eliminating the targets. Clear your path through until you reach the stairs leading back to the street. Take cover and take out to eliminate the first MG nest.
Continue ahead and use the canal to flank the second MG nest. Dispatch the first wave of enemies on sight then run across towards the marked stairs. Hurl a grenade through the window where the MG nest is located to clear them out. Continue inside the apartment and follow the straightforward path. After breaching the second door, you'll be ambushed by three enemies. Kill them then continue to your objective. Get in the Humvee next.
After pulling over, head to the next objective and you'll be caught in a major ambush. Don't bother shooting them all from your current position; just regroup with your squad and follow them as they attempt to flank the enemies.
Continue upstairs to the overpass and clear out the enemies. Continue following your team and clear the road ahead. Continue moving up as you kill enemies before finally, a tank appears. Quickly run to the trenches to avoid getting blown to bits. Follow your team mates to the next building.
Follow your team mates again to the plaza and wait for the T-90 tank to get blown up. Once done, follow your team mate and run to the allied position across the street. You'll now need to pick up the Javelin nearby and destroy the tank yourself. There will be two more tanks that will appear so do the same thing and blow them up.

Tank Hunter Next, move to the next objective point and wait for your new orders. Follow your team leader to get into flanking position. Push your way to the back of the bank, then stand under the emergency ladder to boost your ally.
Jump to the window and take out the enemy silently. Exit and continue mopping the enemies in the atrium.  There's an ammo crate nearby as well in case you need to resupply.
Push through the enemy positions until you reach your other team mates. Continue clearing out the remaining enemies then regroup. Continue inside the vault and rappel down the elevator shaft.
Once you get the prompt, throw in the flashbang inside the room then go ahead and clear it.


Disembark from the car and head to the marker. Press B to hack the wire and open the gates. Continue to the parking lot and take out all enemies there. Continue downstairs, and fight your way to parking lot B. Continue following your comrades until you need to breach the door.
Equip your gas mask when prompted, then continue upstairs. Fight your way through an office area. There's an ammo crate in the middle of the room before the large hall so make sure to use it to your advantage.
After clearing the area, continue upstairs and fight your way to the main trading room. You'll spot the nuke carrier there you don't chase him yet. Just kill everybody in sight then proceed in your pursuit. As soon as you reach outside the building, you'll have another achievement to unlock. If you're doing the campaign in Easy Mode, then good for you. Otherwise, you may want to retry it later in Easy difficulty since it is very hard to attempt this in Normal or Hard mode.

Thunder Run

Once you have control to your tank, you can unlock an achievement early in this mission. As soon as you spot several enemy tanks, destroy six of them to get the "Scrap Metal" achievement. Refer to the video below.

Love the smell of burning steel in the morning After destroying the tanks, you'll have to switch to thermal mode to spot two more enemy tanks. Take them out the watch the following scenes. Once in control, charge to the enemy fortification and take out the enemies. Remember to switch to your machine gun when dealing with infrantry, specially the RPG soldiers. The rocket batteries will be marked in your map so head there and destroy them all.

The cavalry has arrived! After getting your new orders, head back out to the desert and hunt down enemy tanks. Next, you'll be ordered to take out the convoys. There will be some tanks here as well so take them out first before moving on to the softer targets.

We'll ruin somebody's day. Next, head to the highway and join your allies. Continue following him until you reach the underpass. Approach the soldier on foot then you'll need to activate the trigger as marked in the map. Simply run there, grab the detonator, run back and activate it. Once done, go back to your tank to man the .50 cal.
As you move down the highway, keep a look out for enemy RPG soldiers. Also, you can eliminate enemies much faster by shooting at cars and explosive objects beside them. Along the way, a tank will appear in the gas station. Just shoot at the gas pumps and it should be enough to take out the tank. Continue along and wait until a friendly tank gets destroyed by a suicide bomber. Wait for a few seconds and two enemy vehicles will appear. Concentrate your attack and make sure that they're destroyed before getting near. One more will appear to your right; and you also need to take out the enemy RPG soldiers who will take position in the overpass. Wait a bit and mission complete.

Fear No Evil

Once in control, drive the tank through the small alley. After 3-3 is taken out, drive through the building and head to the objective marker. Destroy all tanks and enemy troops. Watch the for the next scene.

Walls are nothing Next, you'll need to defend the allied extraction helicopter. Just take out enemies converging around the area. Remember that those sandbags can be destroyed by continuous gunfire. Keep doing this until you get captured as part of the story. Watch the next scenes, mission complete.

Night Shift

At the start of this mission, you'll have the chance to unlock another achievement. You need to take out the lights with one bullet each. Don't concentrate on the actual bulbs. Just aim for the metal part that's holding them. Crouching will also help steady your aim. Remember to hold your breath still as you take steady aim.

Four lights with four bullets After taking out the lights, zoom at your allied ground units to detect their IR strobes. Next, stand up and head to the other side of the rooftop and dig in. Take out the PLR lookout on the second floor when ready.
Once done, move to the marked spot then rappel down to street level. Follow your team mate while avoid alerting PLR patrols. Climb up the wall then eliminate the sentry ahead.
Move up behidn Campo and wait for the patrol to pass. Continue and climb the ladder up t othe next rooftop. Stack up and wait for the targets to appear. There are two soldiers here (that will appear as one in your scope). Line up and shoot to unlock the Twofor achievement. See the video below.

Two PLRs, one shot Once done, climb down the ladder then follow Campo to the building. Take out the PLR using your knife. More enemies will appear so run through the door and continue running until you reach the sewers. Continue moving forward and climb the ladder up to street level. There will be enemies ahead so take them out as well.
Continue following Campo until you reach the same building where Miller was executed. After reporting, stack up behind the door and take out enemies that will come in from the next room. Continue ahead until you regroup with the marines.
Move along with your squad mates then climb up with Campo to the overwatch position on the rooftop. Provide covering support to your team mates.
Once your objective gets updated, follow Campo and stop HVT's car from escaping. Just head to the marked position and shoot at the car to make it crash. Head there and secure Al-Bashir. As Campo carries the package, take out a few enemies along the way. He will prompt you to fend off any pursuers so stay by the gate and take out the enemies. Once done, you'll be advised to join him in the next RV.
Upon regrouping, he'll ask you to lay down some claymores and defend the area from the incoming enemy assault. After getting rid of the first wave from the ground floor, more enemies will appear on the second floor. Take them out as well. Campo will relocate HVT to the other stall. Stay in cover and take out enemies who will approach from the second floor. Use your sniper rifle to find them in the darkness then switch to your assault rifle to take out nearby enemies.
Finally, your evac will arrive. Take out a few enemies along the corridor then follow Campo as he carries Al-Bashir to the evac plane. Hold off the landing area for a few more seconds, killing enemies as they come. Finally, when you get the order, jump on the plane.

Rock and A Hard Place

As soon as you're ambushed, you'll have the chance to unlock yet another achievement at this point. You'll have to knife-kill one of the enemy soldiers there. The nearest ones are the soldiers by the wreckage. Kill one of them then run and knife-kill the other.

That'll be mine, thank you Continue sweeping the area to eliminate the ambushers. Next, follow your team to regroup with Cole. Go downhill and proceed with your attack.
As you move forward, more enemies will appear, as well as a tank. Equip your anti-tank weapon then keep shooting at the tank to destroy it. Kill all remaining enemies then continue ahead.

No armor is too thick... Follow Cole to the next attack point and clear it again. Continue pressing forward until two more enemy armors appear. Equip your anti-tank weapon again and take them out. If you need to resupply, there's an ammo depot in the side of the road.

and no metal is too strong... Continue ahead and an enemy jet will attack. There's a glitchy achievement to unlock and you need to take out the SU-25 with one shot. Some say that you won't unlock the achievement if you're killed by the  bombardment and reloaded a checkpoint during the mission so may take that into consideration. Another thing to note is that some say to stick close with Cole and hide where he hides until you get the chance to run to the Stinger. Once the jet is marked, take aim and fire once you get a solid lock.
One noticeable glitch you'll notice is that the objective to shoot down the SU-25 appears AFTER you destroy it and after moving to the objective marker.


After landing, follow your team mates. Kill the enemies then open the drogue to get your second primary weapon. Go to the road and hop on the van. Upon reaching the enemy base, kill the guards as prompted then open the gate from inside the room. Fight your way uphill until you reach the poolhouse.
Once inside, enter through the door marked in your hud then go upstairs. Use your newly acquired sniper rifle to take out enemies at a distance. There will be enemy snipers so take them out quickly as well.
Continue inside the villa and take out the enemies inside. This is pretty straightforward so just keep pushing forward with your team mates until you reach a red room with more weapons and ammo cache. Cycle your weapons as needed then continue.

Room service! Head downstairs and continue killing enemies. It's a hard to see so just use their own flashlights as your personal marker. After that, you'll need to head to the target range. This is where you can unlock yet another achievement. Take your time to land headshots against the cardboard targets. You can also kill enemy soldiers using normal means.

Practice makes perfect Move upstairs and continue clearing out enemies. Run towards the exit, then jump on the helicopter. Press B during the action sequence and watch the next scenes.
You'll be controlling Blackburn next. Head to the poolhouse and go to the marker. Watch the scene and when you have the chance, shoot at your ally once to complete the mission.

The Great Destroyer

Make your escape and jump out of the window. Follow Montes to the street. Run to the objective point and jump. It's the whole Semper Fidelis mission again – minus the tutorial. This should be a quick and straightforward mission so just continue forth until you finally catch up with Solomon. Press the correct buttons quickly during the action event then continue your pursuit through the sewers.

Tunnel Rat As you reach street level, you'll be in a car chase courtesy of Montes. Once you get to pull your handgun, aim and shoot at his car. In the ensuing action scene, press the quick-time action buttons correctly (to unlock the last achievement in the Campaign) and watch the following scenes.
Congratulations for completing the campaign!

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